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Underwater Adventure and Media: Thomas Chapman discovers new passion
Media & Humanities / Outdoors & Forestry

Underwater Adventure and Media: Thomas Chapman discovers new passion

In the summer of 2012, twenty-three-year-old adventure and media student Thomas Chapman embarked on a trip to Thailand where he learnt how to scuba dive and used skills he had learnt from his course to take photos from the bottom of the sea. “My friend who is on the animal conservation course suggested going to … Continue reading

Using his Dyslexia as an advantage: Computing student Matthew Proudman
Business & Computing

Using his Dyslexia as an advantage: Computing student Matthew Proudman

Matthew Proudman, a student on the applied computing course at the University of Cumbria, is using his dyslexia as an advantage, solving problems in assistive technology. After completing two years of a Foundation Course at Lakes College in West Cumbria Matthew joined the University to expand his interest in database panning and design. Matthew 24, … Continue reading

Dry Bar: Kevin Goodall gets wise with Morecambe’s new social hub
Business & Computing

Dry Bar: Kevin Goodall gets wise with Morecambe’s new social hub

Social entrepreneur Kevin Goodall, from Morecambe, was recently part of a citizen’s jury that helped to set up an alcohol free bar to tackle drink related problems in his hometown. After the NHS identified an issue with hospital admissions related to alcohol in the seaside resort of Morecambe, Kevin got involved in the project, along … Continue reading

Graduate Intern: Kathryn Jones returns to UOC

Graduate Intern: Kathryn Jones returns to UOC

Returning to the University of Cumbria as a graduate intern, twenty-four-year-old Kathryn Jones is improving her professional development by gaining experience in organizing events, project management and even creating an app. In August 2013 Kathryn was appointed as Widening Participation & Retention Graduate Intern, a position she’ll hold until September. Using the transferable skills she … Continue reading

Live Amateur Music Everywhere: Adam Evans launches YouTube channel

Live Amateur Music Everywhere: Adam Evans launches YouTube channel

With an ambition to showcase the best of Carlisle’s hidden music scene, twenty-year-old Adam Evans has started up his own YouTube channel featuring local artists playing in unique environments. “So far I’ve recorded an acoustic guitarist in Bitts Park, a singer next to the famous curse stone and even bagpipes under a railway bridge,” Adam, … Continue reading